Thursday, July 11, 2013

Week 2-Coming of Age as a Traveler

Coming of age as a traveler, we sometimes have different views of the world than what is actual reality, as we learned with the help of Lucy in E.M. Forster's A Room With a View

For instance, who knew travel by tube could be so exciting in this VERY candid video!?

At the John Soane Museum, we were able to see Soane's almost eclectic sense of style shining through and bringing the Grand Tour of the world right to his students.  Soane helped to break some expectations between classes, as did Lucy when she broke off her engagement with Cecil and went with her true love, George. 

Although, we weren't allowed to take pictures inside the National Gallery, we were able to see all kinds of different paintings that portrayed the artists' view on certain subjects.  This helped to relate to Lucy because as we might see Cecil one way, Lucy saw him as a drawing room "with no view."

In this picture, there is a sign that has four different types of transportation.  Each one can give us a different view of the places we travel to. When Lucy travels on foot, she experiences much different things (like the stabbing) than she did while riding in the car (a couple in love).  This shows how even the type of transportation and travel methods can change a person's view on the world.

In this close up view of one of Turner's paintings, we see the classic picturesque method of travel that we often imagine when thinking of Italy. This was his first original image and view of Italy, and might be that same classic image that Lucy pictured when she traveled to Italy. 

However, we can see that time and travel can change a person's views and style.  In this picture, also by Turner, we have an unfinished painting of Italy. We can see the beginnings of something, and even though it is unfinished, we can see how his tastes and methods have changed.  This is something that happens to Lucy as well, a transformation and change that evolves her "view."  This painting itself tells almost a lot more about the viewer of it than it does of the actual artist, because it is at the purest view of of Italy. 

Finally, sometimes travel is more about the "view," 

  and the people you're with, than anything else. 

Basically, the first video, and the last two pictures aren't part of the blog that I want to be graded on. The rest is just extra! 


  1. I really enjoyed how you put other photos in your blog about our trip! The video was also a creative tough! You did a great job capturing how our site visits related to the novel we are reading. You have a keen eye for photography! Great job!

  2. Great work in locating curious and arresting images and clips to help make connections with our site visits and our theme of the week. Nicely done!
