Monday, July 15, 2013

Travels Around London this Weekend

Saturday consisted of the British Museum, an umbrella store, and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory musical, which I give a 10 out of 10! I highly recommend it to anyone! It was so fun and very well done!

The oldest castle in Britain from the 11th century! 

The castle in Dover! Home of the White Cliffs as well! 

Apparently, it has become a tradition to place the sticker you get when you buy your ticket on places like this door!

The rocky beach at Dover

Squinty at Dover!

Seagulls every where!

This was at the mall outside of Olympic Park!

Shopping at Harrod's!

The view of Olympic Park outside of the John Lewis department store!

Me at the ice bar that was -7, and I think that's celsius! It was cold but awesome!

I highly recommend this one-of-a-kind experience!

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